Denver Post Publishes Article About Our Lawsuit to Prevent Construction of Trails and Visitor Center at Rocky Flats

On behalf of citizen groups from communities near the former Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant, our office filed suit on May 1, 2018 against the U.S. government for failing to comply with federal environmental laws in planning to build public trails and a visitor center at the former plutonium facility. Filed in U.S. District Court in Denver, the litigation charges that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (“USFWS”), the site’s current manager, has not completed a required analysis of environmental risks and policy options.

Plaintiffs in the suit include the Rocky Mountain Peace & Justice Center, Candelas Glows, Rocky Flats Right to Know, Rocky Flats Neighborhood Association, and Environmental Information Network. The suit asks the court to vacate a recent USFWS decision to open the site to the public as early as this summer. Last week, the Denver Post published an article about this important litigation. Read the Denver Post article here.

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